Saturday, May 19, 2007

The wheel goes round and round...

Today I went with my friend to a bridal shop in Saint Paul on Grand Avenue. We were walking back to our cars and I happened to see this little shop called Legacy. I stopped in to see what the store sold and there was pottery and a whole bunch of some really neat stuff. I started talking with the owner about where she gets her stuff that she sells and she said that some of it was local artists. I mentioned that my Dad is a potter and that he has some really nice things. She said that she was looking for someone to make some mugs for her to sell. I told her that my Dad makes really nice mugs and that I would like to tell him about her store. She gave me a card and I went home and told my Dad about it. I asked him if he wanted to go today so we packed up some stuff and went up to Saint Paul. Betsy, the store owner, was excited to see me again and even more excited that I brought my Dad. She asked to see his stuff and was super pumped about the things that he had with him. So after she looked it over she told him that she wanted to sell his pottery in her store. So now I can say that my Dad sells his pottery on Grand Ave.

1 comment:

Aimee Lynn said...

That's awesome! Tell your dad congrats for me!!